
Apicoectomy is a surgical procedure performed by dentists in Eagle Grove, IA, to treat infections or inflammation in the root tip of a tooth that persists after root canal treatment. This procedure involves accessing the tip of the tooth's root through a small incision in the gum tissue and removing the infected or inflamed tissue and a small portion of the root tip. By removing the diseased tissue and sealing the root canal with a filling material, apicoectomy aims to eliminate infection and promote healing in the surrounding bone and tissues.

Apicoectomy is crucial in cases where traditional root canal therapy alone is insufficient to resolve persistent infections or inflammation, helping to preserve the affected tooth and prevent further complications such as abscess formation or tooth loss.

Moffitt Dental

Suitable Candidates for Apicoectomy

Individuals who have any of the following conditions could be candidates for apicoectomy:

Persistent Infections

Patients who continue to experience infections in the root canal system, characterized by symptoms such as pain, swelling, and tenderness, may be candidates for apicoectomy. These infections may persist due to complex root canal anatomy, untreated canal branches, or resistant bacteria.

Inflammatory Lesions

Individuals with inflammatory lesions or cysts at the apex of the tooth root, identified through diagnostic imaging such as X-rays or cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), may benefit from apicoectomy. These lesions can cause discomfort and compromise the health of surrounding tissues, necessitating surgical intervention to promote healing.

Failed Root Canal Treatment

Patients who have undergone root canal treatment that has failed to resolve the underlying issue may require apicoectomy in Eagle Grove, IA. This could occur due to incomplete cleaning and sealing of the root canal system, leading to persistent infection or reinfection of the tooth.

Inaccessible Root Anatomy

Cases where traditional root canal therapy cannot effectively address the entire root canal system due to complex or inaccessible root anatomy may warrant apicoectomy. This procedure allows for precise removal of infected or inflamed tissue from the root tip, promoting thorough cleaning and sealing of the affected area.

Root Canal Re-Treatment

Individuals requiring retreatment of a previously treated root canal due to reinfection, inadequate treatment, or unresolved symptoms may be candidates for apicoectomy. This procedure offers a localized approach to address specific issues in the root canal system, enhancing the chances of successful treatment outcomes.

The Benefits of Apicoectomy

Apicoectomy, a surgical procedure performed by dentists at Moffitt Dental, offers several significant benefits for individuals experiencing persistent dental infections or inflammation in the root tip of a tooth:

One of the primary advantages of apicoectomy is its ability to preserve the affected tooth structure. Unlike tooth extraction that may be necessary in severe cases of dental infection or inflammation, apicoectomy allows the preservation of the natural tooth, maintaining dental function, aesthetics, and jawbone integrity. This preservation of tooth structure is particularly beneficial for patients seeking to retain their natural teeth and avoid the need for dental prosthetics or implants.

Secondly, apicoectomy effectively addresses persistent symptoms associated with dental infections or inflammatory lesions. By surgically removing infected or inflamed tissue from the root tip, apicoectomy alleviates pain, swelling, tenderness, and discomfort, providing patients with relief and improved quality of life. This resolution of persistent symptoms enhances patient comfort and oral health, allowing individuals to regain normal function and enjoy a restored sense of well-being.

Lastly, apicoectomy helps prevent further complications and oral health issues by treating underlying dental problems and promoting healing in the surrounding tissues. By eliminating infections or inflammatory lesions at the root tip, apicoectomy reduces the risk of complications such as abscess formation, bone loss, and tooth loss. Additionally, apicoectomy supports long-term oral health by preserving the affected tooth's and surrounding bone's structural integrity, minimizing the need for additional dental interventions or treatments in the future. Contact us today!

The Procedure of Apicoectomy

Apicoectomy is a surgical procedure dentists perform to address persistent infections or inflammation in the root tip of a tooth. The process typically begins with the administration of local anesthesia to ensure the patient's comfort during the procedure. Next, the dentist makes a small incision in the gum tissue near the affected tooth to access the root tip. Using specialized instruments and magnification, the dentist carefully removes the infected or inflamed tissue from the apex of the tooth root. In some cases, a small portion of the root tip may also be removed to ensure complete eradication of the infection. Once the diseased tissue is excised, the dentist seals the root canal with a biocompatible material to prevent further infection. Finally, the incision is sutured, and the patient receives postoperative instructions for optimal healing. 

Following the apicoectomy procedure, patients may experience mild discomfort and swelling, which can typically be managed with over-the-counter pain medications and cold compresses. Patients need to follow any postoperative instructions provided by their dentist, such as avoiding hard or crunchy foods, practicing good oral hygiene, and attending follow-up appointments as scheduled. With proper care and attention, most patients can expect swift recovery and relief from persistent dental infections or inflammation symptoms.

If you're experiencing persistent dental problems despite previous treatment, visit Moffitt Dental at 322 S Commercial Ave, Eagle Grove, IA 50533, or call (515) 448-4852 to determine if an apicoectomy is a suitable solution for your dental problem. This minimally invasive surgical procedure offers numerous benefits, including targeted removal of infection, preservation of natural teeth, prevention of further complications, and high success rates.


322 S Commercial Ave,
Eagle Grove, IA 50533

Office Hours

MON - WED8:00 am - 5:00 pm

THU8:00 am - 4:00 pm

FRI - SUNClosed